Thursday, February 13, 2014

Social Media: Ideal Marketing Tools

It’s practically inconceivable for your company to not have some sort of presence on the Internet or on social media these days. The latter is even more apparent, now that sites like Twitter and Facebook have been adopted by nearly every major enterprise. It only follows that you too should use social media as a marketing medium. 

If you aren’t inclined to do so, the benefits are sure to wash away your apprehensions. For one thing, social media allows you to get in touch with your customers on a more personal level. This can also be used to complement your customer service functions since you can receive and sort out complaints, suggestions, and comments firsthand. 

Aside from that, social media not only allows you post useful articles and news stories to keep your customers updated, but also encourages other people to share these same articles to their friends and loved ones; thus expanding your reach. 

More importantly, social media are simply what’s “in” these days. People spend more time shuffling around messaging boards, social networking sites, and forums than they used to, which means that it’s only logical for you to reach out to them through the same channels. Any comments or feedback you receive are also in real time, which can give you a better sense of what the rest of the world thinks about your company.


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