Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Web Design Trends to Watch

Web design has incredibly evolved through the years, and in a generation as web-inclined as we are now, the name of the game is essentially to keep these users interested. Professionals offering website design services have shelled out their two cents on a number of things that are sure to keep website, mobile apps, and device users connected.

Cleaner, Simpler Icons
Admit it or not, the launch of the iOS7's design saw the rise of cleaner and simpler icons. Because of Apple's minimalist interface, elegance has now become synonymous with fuss-free, simple icons.

Bolder Hue Selection
While the status quo of color palette used in icons, like blue, have more or less been an indication of reliability, bright hues have now been utilized echoing the brand new ideas are surfacing, and that is always a good thing.

Data Integration
It has been said that more designers will soon use toolkits such as D3.js in bringing data directly into their web design. These data-driven components are already integrated as part of the web page and this results to interactive data visualizations that can also be found through search engine. This only goes to show that these days, for designers, data is no longer just an afterthought.

Web Fonts
The rise of web-safe fonts meant making attractive fonts shine in pixels the way they do on print. Several font foundries such as Adobe and Hoefler & Frere-Jones are responsible in creating in-browse web fonts that are compatible to all screens.


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