Thursday, April 10, 2014

Picking Out a Good Web Designer

It’s tough to market a budding business, especially in today’s digital age. One vital publicity component (which also doubles as a business management tool) is putting up a website. This way, you can consolidate company information and let prospective customers reach you easily online. Anyone can build a website, but not everyone’s great at it, so this is when a professional web designer should be called in.
Before picking a web designer, however, consider these factors first to land the best candidate.
  • Check their portfolio. Assess their previous works and see if they have a keen eye for aesthetics and functionality.
  • Talk with them. Tell them what your requirements are. Good designers are honest and will lay down what they can and cannot do. If they exert the first effort of getting to know you and your company, you may have just found a keeper.
  • Watch the meter. Do not hire someone who will charge you an extra cent for every tweak to the site, even the most minor ones.

Lastly, passion is king. If the designers write blogs, create graphics, or use the web in their free time, their love for the craft is genuine. Passionate people are usually committed to what they do best. No matter how repetitive it may seem, they’ll still fulfill their tasks and come up with creative ideas or concepts, because they absolutely enjoy what they’re doing.  


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