There's no place like home. For most people, there's comfort in living conveniently in their locale, where only short distances must be traveled to meet their needs. That fact serves as the backbone for local listings. Even with the increasing number of people relying on this search engine section, it is surprising to find out that only few businesses have realized the power of staying online and local.
In the world of search engine optimization, keywords are the tools of the trade. Lately, however, less customers are finding businesses through keyword search. The trending form of search optimization is now happening locally: that is, through local listings in search engines and sites like Google Places and Bing Places. In a comScore Local Search Study released in 2012, Local Search is reported to have grown exponentially from the years 2007 to 2011.
This strategy of affecting visibility in local listings is called local search engine optimization. Like SEO, it aims to boost businesses' online presence with the more focused intention to place their websites on top of the page to become the top local businesses the search engine endorses to potential customers.
Specialized search engine optimization companies like offer services that can help in your business's online local presence. They can also aid in creating visually appealing profiles, review designed-content, and publicize your promotions, all for your success.
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