In essence, SMO involves getting in touch with other people through the use of social media—like social networking websites, RSS (rich site summary) feeds, and online blogs. However, what makes SMO unique is that it requires consistent communication with network contacts to remain effective. In other words, it’s not enough for a company to simply open its own Facebook page and send out invites.
The company has to release promos, news stories, and other informative bits of info that will engage the target audience, and transform leads into customers. Such a task may prove too laborious for business owners to carry out—which is why online marketing firms like Aligned Right Media can lend a helping hand. Done correctly, SMO strategies from a reputable social media marketing company can reinforce brand awareness, create a larger customer base, establish a following on social media, and generate favorable web traffic—which in turn leads to increased sales and profitability.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Dynamic Social Media Marketing Services: Social Media Trends for 2014

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