Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hitting the Marketing Bullseye

In order to make effective use of internet marketing services for your business, it is important to identify who your market is. Not having a clearly defined market for your online strategy would be like shooting in the dark: you'll never know if you'll score a hit or not.

Defining your target market is all about knowing who your customers are and understanding what makes them tick. This allows you to better focus your resources by coming up with an approach that is most likely to yield positive results.

Identify your current customer base

Who are buying from you? Find out what interests and qualities they have in common. This will give you an idea on which demographic to zero in on, but don't limit your market just yet. Pinpointing the reasons for their patronage can help you possibly expand your market.

Scope out the competition

This isn't about one-upping your competition. Knowing who your competition is targeting should clue you in on which demographic to not focus on. You wouldn't want to work in an overcrowded client pool. Try and find a niche market they are overlooking.

Assess your products/services

What you set out to provide may not be exactly what your customers need. In that case, it is best to identify which of your products and services sell the best. From there, you can work out who will best benefit from them.

Create a customer profile

Be as specific as you can when creating your customer profile. Being conscientious at this point will pay off later on so dig deep. Include anything that could affect their purchasing behavior such as educational background and marital status.

Find out where your customers are

It isn't enough to simply know who your customers are. You also need to know where they are, otherwise you won't be able to get your message across. Are they mostly professionals who are more active on LinkedIn? Or perhaps they're the younger generation who are more active on Twitter and Instagram?

Identifying your core target market doesn't mean that you're limiting your sales prospects. What it does is it focuses the online marketing services at the demographic that would provide the more favorable returns over time.


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