Using social media marketing services is a great way to raise brand awareness. But if all you ever do is
sell, sell, sell, people will start tuning you out. The challenge lies in
getting people invested in your brand without being too hard sell.
Luckily, social media is exactly
that, social, thereby offering many ways to get people interested in your
brand. We're not talking about the tired old “Like and Share” giveaway
approach. Take a look at what these three companies did to instigate more online
conversations about their brands.
Tony Hawk Twitter Hunt
In April 2009, Tony Hawk started the
Tony Hawk Twitter Hunt that has now become an annual event for Tony Hawk fans
the world over.
The promo begins with #HAWKHUNT
packages being hidden in select cities all over the world. Clues are then given
on Tony Hawk's website to the location of the prizes. Whoever finds the package
then tweets the location and an accompanying photo of them with their new Tony
Hawk gear.
Tunnel of Hope
An LED installation at Vivid, Sydney called Hundreds and
Thousands is an awareness campaign by the Australian charity The Benevolent
Society. The installation, designed by Designworks, creates a walkthrough
tunnel made of thousands of LED lights. What is truly spectacular about the
setup is that each light is controlled by tweets. Each light changes color for
each tweet with the hashtag #hopesforchange where people express their hopes
for the future.
Oreo's Super Bowl Moment
Who could forget that moment when the lights went out during
last year's Raven's vs 49ers game? And who hasn't heard Oreo's cheeky tweet
about it? “Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the dark.”
Oreo's social media marketing team found an opportunity and
pounced on it. The witty tweet went viral in minutes earning a total of 16,000
retweets. It just goes to show what one post can do for a company's reputation.
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