Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Choose Your Weapon: Content Choices for Online Marketing Warfare

If online marketing’s a war, then your content is your ammunition. The type of content you choose to broadcast information about yourself can support different kinds of marketing strategies, and your choice of weapon may determine your marketing victory or defeat.

Tweets or Posts

If you want to release just quick little nuggets of information and news to your fans, then tweets or posts are for you. People’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, so if you have a message that you can state directly and succinctly (in the case of tweets, less than or equal to 140 characters long), it’s best to go for these. This is also a basic staple in internet marketing for local business.

Blog Posts

For those who want to position themselves as an authority in a particular industry, blog posting is a good choice. Sharing your expertise about your niche through a website blog not only communicates value for your customers; if it’s well-written enough, it can be shared through social media, bringing more traffic into your website. This can lead to more conversions in the long run. For this to work, however, you must commit to publishing content regularly.


Video content is one more thing that should be considered in online marketing. The educational and entertainment potential of videos is virtually limitless, depending only on the tools and resources available to make videos. Therefore, to get high-quality videos, you must be willing to do things like pay a little more for a trustworthy video creation service, or get more high-resolution pictures of your products that can be incorporated into the video. Video content, like blog posts, is shareable.

Make no mistake--businesses are at war to get attention on the Internet right now. To succeed, you have to have the right ammunition. Choosing the right one to go with can be daunting, but with advice from the right social media marketing company, the choice can become infinitely easier.


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