Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Most Versatile Free Website Solution Today

If you are a fan of DIY projects, especially when it comes to building a website, you may have come across a variety of applications. Some are free but too limited on features, while others are paid but are versatile and easy to use. Isn’t it great if there is a solution that is free, versatile, and easy to use today?

In fact, there is a solution. It’s called WordPress.

Originally built for blogging, WordPress has come a long way. Many people use WordPress as a content management system where users can post articles, videos, or just about any content. Some individuals learned how to build a simple website using WordPress, even with little to no website building knowledge.

Granted, some people debate on its versatility and ease of use, especially when some technical know-how is needed. On the other hand, many online communities out there are willing to help at no cost as long as you ask.

What makes WordPress versatile is its ability to customize. You can input your own “header” graphic at the top of the site, change the appearance (or skin) of the website the sky’s the limit. You also have many free design themes so you won’t have to create one of your own.

If you feel like having someone else create a WordPress site for you, there are even website design services to help with that. All it takes is a little effort to find the one who has what you seek.


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